Well, the same thing can also happen with companies that you already have a relationship with or with signups for fee events. And this can be exacerbated with poor website design and sluggish response.
I recently had one of those situations when attempting to send a question to Cingular about my online account. I wanted to know why my online bill had not yet been posted for the current month. So I figured I'd send them a message. They very conveniently had a link on their site to "Email us your billing questions". I thought this would be the quickest and easiest way to communicate with them... boy was I wrong!
It's a 3-step process (they say). Step 1 is a confirmation of your basic account information: no problem there. My difficulties started in Step 2, where they want to know what my problem is about.

Well... this looks like a 3-step process in and of itself, and it's only Step 2. Worse than that, there is obviously a round-trip to the server to display this information and it took 15-30 seconds to update the page after each selection. And the final item ("Sub-topic 2") simply returned a "There are no options for this Sub-topic" -- at least they told me before I had to wait for that item. But still, totally unacceptable!
Once you get past this page (if you get past it... I was beyond the point of trying to communicate with Cingular: now I wanted to see how bad this could be). I expected it to get worse, and I was right! Here's Step 3 of the dialogue. Notice that there are two images here: the list of questions (all required) that they ask you for can't be displayed on a single page!
The list of questions is unbelievably long and they are all required! I even have to enter (HAVE TO!) enter my current snail mail address before I can submit a help request... how bad can you get?
I guess they don't really want to get questions -- they just make it too hard to submit them!
Suggestions to Cingular: (1) Get some faster servers; (2) Read "Don't Make Me Think" (Krug); (3) Have real people check out your designs before inflicting them on your poor users.